Link options
How to create a linked button
For almost every campaign you create you need to have a call to action.
A call to action is most of the time a button that you add to your campaign and has a link attached. Every element on an Adoric campaign such as text, image, gif, etc, can be set as a call to action.
Here, you can see exactly how you can create your call to action.
Click on the button or other element on the screen that you want to attach a link.
Click on the Link icon placed on the left sidebar.

Choose the link type or action, the options are:
URL - Simple link, you can also provide coded links
Step - Connect your current step with another from the list, Learn more about steps here.
Campaign - You can connect your variation to another variation on a different campaign.
Pay attention, the second campaign can also be unpublished.
Email - Add an email address here. Once a user clicks on this call to action he will be able to send a direct message to this address.
Phone number - Click to call, use this function on mobile devices to have a direct call right after the click. The format of the phone number is +(Dialing code) and then the number. For example, in the USA we will use +18051234567
Whatsapp - Add a WhatsApp number here. Once a user clicks on this call to action he will be able to send a direct WhatsApp message phone number. Use the same phone number format from the section above.
Facebook Messenger - Add a Facebook user name here. Once a user clicks on this call to action he will be able to send a direct Facebook message to this user.
Call on Skype - Add a phone number here. Once a user clicks on this call to action he will be able to immediately call a user on Skype. Use the same phone number format from the phone number section.
Close action - Add the close action to let the campaign close right after the click. This can be used when you don't want to have the regular X button, for example. You can add this action to any element on the campaign.
More Link options

Open link in a new tab - it's useful when you want to keep your users on the same page.
Log as conversion - Keep this box checked if you want us to count the number of clicks on this element.
Keep LB opened even if a user clicks on link - It means that after a click on this element the campaign will still be open. It's a good option for in page campaigns or small bubble campaigns we want to keep open.
Track data - You can add specific attributes to any element using the field “Track data”.
You can add, for example, to your button an attribute called “my-button”.
The HTML of your button will appear in this way
Now, you can get access to this element and read it’s value using JavaScript.
Add URL parameters - You can add different parameters into the URL (inside ‘link options’). First, define some objects with a list of parameters in the global scope, for example:
var params = {param1: “value1”,param2: “value2”};
All the data from the object will be added to the URL as parameters when the user clicks on the element.
In our case, if we use “[](”, the outcome URL will be¶m2=value2
Mark Click as event - If you have more than one button or call to action on your campaign, use this option in order to identify what buttons the user clicked on. Add a name to this event and you will be able to review the results here.

Updated on: 05/07/2022
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